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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.26.0
    6808d840 · New version v0.26.0 ·
    New version v0.26.0 | [vinamra28] Update README for v0.25.0 | 2022/07/22-07:35 | [vinamra28] Update chocolatey package to 0.25.0 | 2022/07/22-08:35 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix creating debian packages with latest debhelpers | 2022/07/25-11:35 | [Piyush Garg] Fix e2e test by converting to v1beta1 resources | 2022/07/27-08:33 | [vinamra28] Fix debbuilds by pointing to build directory | 2022/07/27-10:29 | [David Bendory] Force static linking by setting CGO_ENABLED=0. | 2022/07/27-19:49 | [Jacob Greenbow] Removed apt-key for deb-based install instructions | 2022/07/27-20:19 | [David Moreno García] Allow to use bundle with no kubeconfig | 2022/08/01-12:31 | [William Fish] Adding a check for the set bundle max used in the pipeline controller. Currently a user does not know when they might have added to many objects untill they attempt to run an image. Adding to the bundle cmd will at least give them more imediate feedback before attempting to use the bundle. | 2022/08/01-12:31 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 | 2022/08/03-10:37
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.20.1 to 0.20.2 | 2022/08/03-10:37
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 | 2022/08/03-10:37
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.1.6 to 0.1.7 | 2022/08/10-20:24
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump chains to v0.11.0 | 2022/08/11-18:14
    null | [vinamra28] Remove v1alpha1 APIs from ClusterTask | 2022/08/11-18:46
    null | [Andrew Bayer] Bump golangci-lint to v1.47.2 for Go 1.18 support | 2022/08/12-03:44
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0 | 2022/08/15-18:59
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 | 2022/08/15-19:31
    null | [vinamra28] Add Optional status of Workspaces in describe cmd | 2022/08/16-07:49
    null | [David Bendory] Clean up all lint issues found by `make check`. | 2022/08/22-08:55
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5 | 2022/08/22-13:33
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.48.0 to 1.49.0 | 2022/08/24-09:55
    null | [Piyush Garg] Remove v1alpha1 support for task | 2022/08/24-12:25
    null | [Piyush Garg] Remove pipeline v1alpha1 support | 2022/08/24-19:07
    null | [Matthew Broomfield] Use golang 1.17.3 in contrib/tkn-image/Dockerfile | 2022/08/24-19:39
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix error while deleteing PR with unknown status | 2022/08/24-20:59
    null | [Piyush Garg] Remove v1alpha1 support for taskrun | 2022/08/25-09:39
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 | 2022/08/25-11:37
    null | [vinamra28] Remove PipelineRun v1alpha1 support | 2022/08/31-15:14
    null | [Piyush Garg] Remove v1alpha1 support | 2022/09/01-12:28
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.38.3 | 2022/09/01-18:08
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 | 2022/09/01-18:44
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 | 2022/09/02-06:54
    null | [Piyush Garg] Add qps and bursts same like kubectl | 2022/09/02-10:48
    null | [Piyush Garg] Refactor create operation in cli | 2022/09/02-12:00
  • v0.25.0
    e00459dc · New version v0.25.0 ·
    New version v0.25.0
    tektoncd/cli#1591 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump | 2022/06/08-18:45
    tektoncd/cli#1584 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.46.0 to 1.47.0 | 2022/06/08-22:48
    tektoncd/cli#1585 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.2.0 to 0.6.0 | 2022/06/08-22:48
    tektoncd/cli#1581 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.2.2 to 0.3.0 | 2022/06/09-06:56
    tektoncd/cli#1594 | [Piyush Garg] Fix the dependabot error | 2022/06/09-09:44
    tektoncd/cli#1583 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.3.0 to 0.5.0 | 2022/06/09-10:05
    tektoncd/cli#1596 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 | 2022/06/09-13:04
    tektoncd/cli#1599 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 | 2022/06/09-15:40
    tektoncd/cli#1597 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.3 | 2022/06/09-17:46
    tektoncd/cli#1598 | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 | 2022/06/10-12:26
    null | [Daniel Helfand] update chocolatey package to 0.24.0 | 2022/06/14-06:22
    null | [Daniel Helfand] update README for 0.24.0 | 2022/06/14-07:16
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.3.11 to 0.4.0 | 2022/06/14-07:32
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.1.5 to 0.1.6 | 2022/06/14-08:51
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 | 2022/06/15-12:38
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix golint warnings | 2022/06/15-12:38
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use binary for building rpms | 2022/06/16-08:39
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2 | 2022/06/20-08:52
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump | 2022/06/20-09:14
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove the condition subcommand. | 2022/06/24-17:43
    null | [Andrew Bayer] Add function comments to pkg/actions, tweaks to Makefile and linting | 2022/06/27-08:35
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.20.0 to 0.20.1 | 2022/06/29-04:43
    null | [Andrew Bayer] Fix a few tests which failed when run individually | 2022/06/29-07:52
    null | [Andrew Bayer] Upgrade AlecAivazais/survey to v2.3.5 | 2022/06/29-09:26
    null | [Andrew Bayer] Fix eventlistener e2e tests broken due to upgrading Triggers to v0.20.1 | 2022/07/01-05:26
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Remove conditions from README | 2022/07/01-06:36
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 | 2022/07/01-08:08
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] [Packaging] Force building debian package as gzip | 2022/07/01-08:37
    null | [Andrew Bayer] Add support for Pipeline minimal embedded status | 2022/07/01-14:15
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump | 2022/07/02-09:49
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 | 2022/07/02-12:49
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.7.3 to 1.8.0 | 2022/07/04-14:51
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump dependency | 2022/07/04-14:51
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.1.17 to 1.1.18 | 2022/07/04-16:39
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 | 2022/07/04-17:37
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove the rest of reference to Conditions 🥸 | 2022/07/05-10:43
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to 0.37.1 and chains to 0.10.0 | 2022/07/05-11:03
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Adapt code and test to pipeline 0.37 | 2022/07/05-11:03
    null | [vinamra28] Show timeouts in PipelineRun describe cmd | 2022/07/07-09:57
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.37.1 to 0.37.2 | 2022/07/11-15:57
    null | [Zhu Sheng Li] Display annotations for describe command | 2022/07/13-08:47
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 1.47.0 to 1.48.0 | 2022/07/15-08:47
    null | [David Bendory] Switch to prefered quilt packaging. | 2022/07/15-10:13
    null | [dependabot[bot]] Bump from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3 | 2022/07/20-08:55
    null | [vinamra28] Add different timeout flags for Pipeline start cmd | 2022/07/20-10:41
  • v0.24.0
    fc02d2a2 · New version v0.24.0 ·
    New version v0.24.0
    tektoncd/cli#1544 | [Pradeep Kumar] update version in readme to v0.23.1 | 2022/03/25-15:26
    tektoncd/cli#1545 | [Piyush Garg] Bump choco spec to v0.23.1 | 2022/03/25-17:50
    tektoncd/cli#1535 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add available plugins to the root help | 2022/03/29-13:26
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Update | 2022/03/30-16:15
    tektoncd/cli#1533 | [divyansh42] Support --keep and --keep-since together in tr delete | 2022/04/05-16:44
    tektoncd/cli#1533 | [divyansh42] Support --keep and --keep-since together in pr delete | 2022/04/05-16:44
    tektoncd/cli#1556 | [vinamra28] Use stable pipelines release instead of nightly | 2022/04/12-14:12
    tektoncd/cli#1554 | [vinamra28] Cancel PipelineRuns using Cancelled status | 2022/04/12-15:16
    tektoncd/cli#1555 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump docker/docker and docker/cli dependencies | 2022/04/13-07:49
    tektoncd/cli#1555 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump containerd/containerd | 2022/04/13-07:49
    null | [pratap0007] Fixes pipelinerun and taskrun deletion with keep flag | 2022/04/15-06:49
    null | [Piyush Garg] Add vinamra28 as owner | 2022/04/28-12:47
    null | [vinamra28] Fix Pipeline integration tests | 2022/05/10-13:41
    null | [Zhu Sheng Li] fix: set created time for bundle image | 2022/05/11-03:49
    null | [vinamra28] Revert skipping of failed test | 2022/05/16-07:26
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] dep bumps | 2022/06/01-17:24
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix go test | 2022/06/01-17:24
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Add dependabot to the repository | 2022/06/02-11:25
    null | [Shubham] Set go mod compat to 1.17 | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] Bump chains to v0.9.0 in go.mod, go.sum | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] ./hack/ | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] Fix chains impl per 0.9.0 update | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] Replace xerrors.Errorf with fmt.Errorf | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] go mod tidy -go=1.16 && go mod tidy -go=1.17 | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] Get rid of antlr | 2022/06/03-15:45
    null | [Shubham] Improve `tkn chain` log format | 2022/06/06-06:58
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix --ignore-running not working with -p/-t in delete cmd | 2022/06/06-08:19
    null | [Shubham] Ignore zap logger sync error | 2022/06/06-08:19
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Add label dependabot PRs ok-to-test… | 2022/06/06-09:03
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] update release script compatible with go 1.17 | 2022/06/06-14:46
    null | [Shubham] Fix `tkn chains signature/payload` by version bump | 2022/06/07-06:11
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix unit-test in release pipeline | 2022/06/07-08:24
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] increase storage to 1Gi | 2022/06/07-10:46
  • v0.23.1
    51479675 · New version v0.23.1 ·
    New version v0.23.1
    tektoncd/cli#1525 | [Piyush Garg] Update docs to latest version 0.23.0 | 2022/03/09-17:25
    tektoncd/cli#1528 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] generate universal binaries for osx | 2022/03/11-10:28
    tektoncd/cli#1529 | [PuneetPunamiya] Adds namespace where operator is installed | 2022/03/11-14:06
    tektoncd/cli#1530 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Remove go11modules export instructions in README | 2022/03/14-15:49
    tektoncd/cli#1526 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add information about arch package | 2022/03/14-16:17
    tektoncd/cli#1523 | [Vincent Demeester] update it to reflect 2022 goals | 2022/03/15-11:18
    tektoncd/cli#1467 | [mathew-fleisch] Go compile darwin-arm64 in makefile for m1 macs | 2022/03/15-13:04
    tektoncd/cli#1520 | [jbpratt] parse full duration for time formatting | 2022/03/15-16:12
    tektoncd/cli#1531 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add "tkn taskrun export" | 2022/03/18-09:46
    tektoncd/cli#1538 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] update to cobra 1.4.0 | 2022/03/18-11:42
    null | [PuneetPunamiya] Updates the configMap name for Operator version | 2022/03/18-13:01
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add -o name to pipeline start | 2022/03/22-11:32
    null | [Piyush Garg] This will fix the version command failing for chain and operator | 2022/03/23-12:16
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix error while deleting pr without status | 2022/03/24-07:16
  • v0.23.0
    ec7cf5e8 · New version v0.23.0 ·
    New version v0.23.0
    tektoncd/cli#1498 | [Pradeep Kumar] update tkn v0.22.0 | 2022/02/01-22:04
    tektoncd/cli#1499 | [Daniel Helfand] update tkn chocolatey package to v0.22.0 | 2022/02/02-10:17
    tektoncd/cli#1503 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use ubuntu-rolling to build package | 2022/02/03-10:17
    tektoncd/cli#1505 | [Shubham] Make `vendor` a PHONY target | 2022/02/07-10:50
    tektoncd/cli#1500 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add export option for pipelinerun | 2022/02/15-12:01
    tektoncd/cli#1484 | [mansi103] Checked existence of resources before deletion | 2022/02/16-13:46
    tektoncd/cli#1513 | [tomonight] pass rest config when create tkn clients,fix the default QPS is to low(QPS is 5),can improve the concurrent | 2022/02/28-09:14
    tektoncd/cli#1514 | [Piyush Garg] Bump deps of pipeline and triggers | 2022/02/28-13:53
    tektoncd/cli#1509 | [mansi103] Adds chains version in output of tkn version command | 2022/03/01-12:52
    tektoncd/cli#1440 | [Rémy Greinhofer] Add Chains management command | 2022/03/03-15:01
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Fix vendoring | 2022/03/03-15:01
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Temporary disable linting tarball package | 2022/03/03-15:01
    null | [jbpratt] remove unnecessary filepath join | 2022/03/04-08:13
    null | [jbpratt] gofmt -w test/e2e/* | 2022/03/04-08:27
    null | [jbpratt] replace t.Errorf %w with %v | 2022/03/04-09:17
    null | [PuneetPunamiya] Bump Tekton Hub CLI to latest | 2022/03/04-10:37
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix missing Cursor with interactive start commands | 2022/03/04-12:13
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix tektoncd docs installation instructions | 2022/03/08-08:08
    null | [Piyush Garg] Make chains namespace configurable | 2022/03/09-09:29
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump chains and hub deps | 2022/03/09-09:29
  • v0.22.0
    ef0f2742 · New version v0.22.0 ·
    New version v0.22.0
    tektoncd/cli#1461 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme with latest v0.21.0 | 2021/10/06-10:58
    tektoncd/cli#1462 | [Daniel Helfand] update chocolatey package for 0.21.0 release | 2021/10/06-16:17
    tektoncd/cli#1457 | [pratap0007] Replace test builders to structs in unit test for `tkn pipeline` | 2021/10/13-09:37
    tektoncd/cli#1464 | [Rick] Correct the license claim in the goreleaser config | 2021/10/15-15:01
    tektoncd/cli#1463 | [pratap0007] Replace test builders to structs in unit test for `tkn pipelinerun` | 2021/10/20-02:17
    tektoncd/cli#1466 | [Piyush Garg] Remove builders from codebase | 2021/10/21-06:44
    tektoncd/cli#1475 | [Vincent Demeester] Update some dependencies to fix vulnerabiliites | 2021/12/15-13:17
    tektoncd/cli#1398 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add a pipeline export command | 2022/01/21-09:43
    tektoncd/cli#1479 | [vinamra28] Handle graceful termination of Pipeline | 2022/01/21-12:16
    tektoncd/cli#1486 | [PuneetPunamiya] Adds operator verison in output of `tkn version` command | 2022/01/24-06:08
    null | [vinamra28] Show all cancelled taskruns in message section | 2022/01/25-05:41
    null | [pratap0007] Skips to ask specifications for optional workspace | 2022/01/26-15:59
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Bump go mod version to 1.16 | 2022/01/27-07:09
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] bump pipelines to v0.31.0 bump triggers to v0.17.1 bump hub/api to latest bump to latest hub docs update bump pipelines to v.32.0 | 2022/01/27-15:11
    null | [vinamra28] Bump Tekton Hub CLI to latest | 2022/01/28-09:01
    null | [Zhu Sheng Li] Hide sections with empty results for `describe` command | 2022/01/28-23:54
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump deps | 2022/01/31-07:12
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] update golangci-lint version | 2022/01/31-11:26
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] update go build and test | 2022/01/31-15:13
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] update goreleaser | 2022/02/01-09:36
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] update goreleaser config | 2022/02/01-11:28
  • v0.21.0
    bbbc5fb2 · New version v0.21.0 ·
    New version v0.21.0
    tektoncd/cli#1419 | [praveen4g0] Get default sa from configmap defaultconfigs | 2021/07/14-16:15
    tektoncd/cli#1420 | [Pradeep Kumar] Update tkn version to 0.20.0 | 2021/07/21-12:37
    tektoncd/cli#1428 | [Piyush Garg] Fix e2e test failing | 2021/07/23-06:37
    tektoncd/cli#1427 | [Zhu Sheng Li] Remove golden files generated for testing version | 2021/07/23-07:23
    tektoncd/cli#1424 | [Pradeep Kumar] fix rpm build | 2021/07/23-07:37
    tektoncd/cli#1429 | [kim-fitness] Update | 2021/08/06-13:30
    tektoncd/cli#1326 | [Sunghoon Kang] Support `output` option for pipeline/task `start` command | 2021/08/09-09:03
    tektoncd/cli#1430 | [Zhu Sheng Li] Authenticate to registries with Podman's config | 2021/08/10-15:05
    tektoncd/cli#1434 | [Piyush Garg] Fix link in doc | 2021/08/10-18:48
    tektoncd/cli#1378 | [Daniel Helfand] add choco package to tkn repo | 2021/08/10-19:14
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tekton/pipeline to v0.27.1 | 2021/08/17-13:16
    null | [Zhu Sheng Li] Add --keep-since flag to taskrun delete | 2021/08/31-06:35
    null | [Zhu Sheng Li] Add value check for since option | 2021/08/31-06:35
    null | [vinamra28] Delete runs using resource filter and keep-since | 2021/09/21-09:33
    null | [vinamra28] Return error when --resource,--all and --keep-* | 2021/09/21-09:33
    null | [Yulia Gaponenko] Bump Hub dependency with latest updates | 2021/09/23-11:26
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/triggers v0.16.0 | 2021/09/24-07:34
    null | [Piyush Garg] Move triggertemplate to use v1beta1 | 2021/09/24-07:34
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix the compilation error in other test pkg | 2021/09/24-07:34
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Update some dependencies and remove some replace | 2021/09/28-17:14
    null | [Piyush Garg] Update triggerbinding cmd to v1beta1 | 2021/09/29-08:05
    null | [Piyush Garg] Update clustertriggerbinding to v1beta1 | 2021/09/29-15:53
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix hardcoded resource version in desc | 2021/09/29-16:17
    null | [Piyush Garg] Remove duplicate in triggerbinding | 2021/09/29-16:17
    null | [Piyush Garg] Cleanup missed during v1beta1 work | 2021/09/30-05:54
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds ignore-running flag to pr,tr delete cmd | 2021/09/30-08:18
    null | [Piyush Garg] Update eventlistener list and delete cmd | 2021/09/30-15:56
    null | [vinamra28] Update EventListener describe command | 2021/10/01-10:08
    null | [vinamra28] Update EventListener logs command | 2021/10/01-10:08
    null | [Piyush Garg] Cleanup in builder and pkg for triggers cmd | 2021/10/04-07:49
    null | [Piyush Garg] Remove invalid docs files | 2021/10/04-07:49
    null | [vinamra28] Add create command for tkn clustertask | 2021/10/04-11:03
    null | [vinamra28] Add create command for tkn task | 2021/10/04-11:03
    null | [Piyush Garg] Add e2e test for triggers v1beta1 | 2021/10/05-12:52
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix terminal not available after logs in retries pipeline | 2021/10/06-06:41
  • v0.20.0
    d21ad614 · New version v0.20.0 ·
    New version v0.20.0
    tektoncd/cli#1409 | [Pradeep Kumar] update readme cli version to v0.19.1 | 2021/06/30-15:54
    tektoncd/cli#1410 | [laminar] Fix CLI installation instructions for deb-based distros | 2021/07/05-10:15
    tektoncd/cli#1393 | [vinamra28] Get tekton components version from configmap | 2021/07/07-09:09
    tektoncd/cli#1411 | [vinamra28] Bump pipelines v0.25.0, triggers 0.14.2 and hub | 2021/07/07-12:05
    tektoncd/cli#1415 | [Vincent Demeester] Force cancel when using tkn pipelinerun cancel 👼 | 2021/07/09-09:48
    tektoncd/cli#1408 | [Anshul Verma] resloves issue/1395 | 2021/07/09-10:12
    tektoncd/cli#1385 | [Nikhil Thomas] Fix TaskRun order in `tkn pr logs` | 2021/07/13-06:13
  • v0.19.1
    67dbda91 · New version v0.19.1 ·
    New version v0.19.1
    tektoncd/cli#1391 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for latest version | 2021/06/09-07:23
    tektoncd/cli#1390 | [06kellyjac] Fix version command outputting empty | 2021/06/10-08:49
    tektoncd/cli#1392 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --since flag to pipelinerun delete | 2021/06/14-07:30
    tektoncd/cli#1396 | [hasanrashid] Fix broken links in DEVELOPMENT.MD | 2021/06/18-23:20
    tektoncd/cli#1400 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix typo with my name | 2021/06/23-08:53
    tektoncd/cli#1401 | [Christie Wilson] Add link to tkn bundle to main readme 🔗 | 2021/06/23-09:18
    tektoncd/cli#1403 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README about coloring being disabled | 2021/06/24-13:41
    tektoncd/cli#1405 | [Pradeep Kumar] fix default --prefix=false with p/t/ct start | 2021/06/28-11:00
    tektoncd/cli#1402 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add pipelinerun delete by label | 2021/06/29-12:09
  • v0.19.0
    12daa69d · New version v0.19.0 ·
    New version v0.19.0
    tektoncd/cli#1361 | [Pradeep Kumar] update cli version to v0.18.0 in readme | 2021/04/27-17:00
    tektoncd/cli#1367 | [PuneetPunamiya] Updates TriggerTemplate Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/05/10-11:28
    tektoncd/cli#1367 | [PuneetPunamiya] Updates TriggerBinding Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/05/10-11:28
    tektoncd/cli#1367 | [PuneetPunamiya] Updates ClusterTriggerBinding Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/05/10-11:28
    tektoncd/cli#1367 | [PuneetPunamiya] Updates Eventlistener Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/05/10-11:28
    tektoncd/cli#1364 | [SM43] Fixes tkn task start to ask for params interactively if not passed | 2021/05/12-06:53
    tektoncd/cli#1366 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Lookup plugins in current path | 2021/05/12-12:59
    tektoncd/cli#1374 | [vinamra28] Bump plumbing dependencies to fix CI | 2021/05/21-08:18
    tektoncd/cli#1375 | [SM43] Fixes e2e test for ClusterTask | 2021/05/24-05:41
    tektoncd/cli#1369 | [SM43] Bump Hub dependency with latest updates | 2021/05/25-16:30
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.24.1 | 2021/06/01-14:47
    null | [Anshul Verma] Fixes Issue #1067     Added --component option to just output the version of the components like client|pipeline|triggers | 2021/06/01-15:28
    null | [Anshul Verma] Fixes 1000 Interative pipeline/task start fail when `-f` option is used and a `param` in the definition does not have the `type` defined. This fix gives a validation error if any `param` does not have a type defined. | 2021/06/02-10:34
    null | [SM43] Fixes pipeline start to ask for params interactively if not passed | 2021/06/02-12:14
    null | [SM43] Fixes clusterTask start to ask for params interactively if not passed | 2021/06/02-13:02
    null | [vinamra28] Add support for optional workspaces in tkn start | 2021/06/02-13:29
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/triggers v0.14.1 | 2021/06/02-14:59
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix rpm spec file | 2021/06/02-15:38
    null | [vinamra28] Common Description for workspace flag in start command | 2021/06/02-19:37
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add a flag to not print the taskname/step prefix when showing logs | 2021/06/03-08:59
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Replace with its redirect | 2021/06/08-09:37
  • v0.18.0
    ea4c5388 · New version v0.18.0 ·
    New version v0.18.0
    tektoncd/cli#1351 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for tkn 0.17.2 | 2021/04/13-09:32
    tektoncd/cli#1330 | [Parris Lucas] Added Scoop & PowerShell install on Windows | 2021/04/19-05:13
    tektoncd/cli#1310 | [Yulia Gaponenko] Add framework usage to get kubeconfig and cluster params support | 2021/04/19-07:35
    tektoncd/cli#1358 | [Scott] Update plumbing dep to pin gke version | 2021/04/21-04:02
    tektoncd/cli#1357 | [vinamra28] Fix README to point to v0.17.2 release | 2021/04/21-14:21
    tektoncd/cli#1356 | [PuneetPunamiya] Add auto-select in TriggerTemplate describe command | 2021/04/22-09:42
    tektoncd/cli#1356 | [PuneetPunamiya] Add auto-select in TriggerBinding describe command | 2021/04/22-09:42
    tektoncd/cli#1356 | [PuneetPunamiya] Add auto-select in ClusterTriggerBinding describe command | 2021/04/22-09:42
    tektoncd/cli#1311 | [vinamra28] Add section of Skipped tasks in tkn pr describe | 2021/04/22-11:06
    tektoncd/cli#1360 | [Pradeep Kumar] bump pipeline to v0.23.0 | 2021/04/22-15:24
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] bump triggers to v0.13.0 | 2021/04/22-15:24
    null | [vinamra28] Add support for tkn clustertask logs | 2021/04/23-13:42
    null | [vinamra28] Auto-select EventListener in describe if only one is present | 2021/04/26-12:17
  • v0.17.2
    0b7c525c · New version v0.17.2 ·
    New version v0.17.2
    tektoncd/cli#1342 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for v0.17.1 | 2021/04/01-05:13
    tektoncd/cli#1344 | [Pierre Tasci] Fixes the bundle push and list commands to conform to the bundle spec. | 2021/04/06-15:53
    tektoncd/cli#1317 | [PuneetPunamiya] Adds version in describe command of task | 2021/04/09-12:52
    tektoncd/cli#1348 | [Piyush Garg] Fix eventlistener describe command crashing without template | 2021/04/09-15:42
    tektoncd/cli#1349 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README with the version of supported RPMs distros | 2021/04/12-06:34
  • v0.17.1
    4e519749 · New version v0.17.1 ·
    New version v0.17.1
    tektoncd/cli#1312 | [Pierre Tasci] Introduce a tkn bundle push command to produce Tekton bundles | 2021/03/15-12:23
    tektoncd/cli#1312 | [Pierre Tasci] Generates new docs | 2021/03/15-12:23
    tektoncd/cli#1312 | [Pierre Tasci] Address feedback | 2021/03/15-12:23
    tektoncd/cli#1309 | [rudeigerc] Fix parseParam with empty array | 2021/03/16-09:23
    tektoncd/cli#1325 | [Pradeep Kumar] tkn verion v0.16.0 to 0.17.0 | 2021/03/16-15:13
    tektoncd/cli#1332 | [vinamra28] Fix clustertask start command with --last flag | 2021/03/23-13:04
    tektoncd/cli#1338 | [vinamra28] Print status in `tkn p start` if it is not nil | 2021/03/24-11:00
    tektoncd/cli#1328 | [Pierre Tasci] Add a bundle pull command to fetch tekton bundle contents | 2021/03/25-09:04
    tektoncd/cli#1328 | [Pierre Tasci] Generate new man pages | 2021/03/25-09:04
    tektoncd/cli#1328 | [Pierre Tasci] Fix unit tests for remote execution | 2021/03/25-09:04
    null | [Pierre Tasci] Fix some comments and regenerate docs from feedback | 2021/03/25-09:04
    null | [Pierre Tasci] Refactor command name and add cache options | 2021/03/25-09:04
    null | [Pierre Tasci] Remove erroneous doc | 2021/03/25-09:04
    null | [Pierre Tasci] Remove final erroneous 'pull' docs | 2021/03/25-09:04
    null | [Yulia Gaponenko] Fix eventListener test with latest minimal triggers permissions | 2021/03/30-18:00
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix clustertask describe and delete, task lastrun | 2021/03/30-18:38
  • v0.17.0
    332e825b · New version v0.17.0 ·
    New version v0.17.0
    tektoncd/cli#1301 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for tkn 0.16.0 | 2021/02/09-13:39
    tektoncd/cli#1298 | [Dave Protasowski] bump deps & k8s is now @ 0.19.7 | 2021/02/10-07:04
    tektoncd/cli#1306 | [06kellyjac] Use tkn pipeline start instead of kubectl create | 2021/02/11-11:54
    tektoncd/cli#1303 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix crash with pipeline describe when using inline taskSpec | 2021/02/16-12:25
    tektoncd/cli#1305 | [06kellyjac] Add nix/nixos install instructions | 2021/02/16-18:07
    tektoncd/cli#1315 | [Yulia Gaponenko] Fix eventListener e2e test with new RBAC permissions | 2021/03/09-18:11
    tektoncd/cli#1316 | [Vincent Demeester] Rename master branch to main 🧙 | 2021/03/10-14:55
    tektoncd/cli#1316 | [Vincent Demeester] Fix plumbing "main" branch reference | 2021/03/10-14:55
    tektoncd/cli#1316 | [Vincent Demeester] Temporarly disable TestClusterTaskInteractiveStartE2E | 2021/03/10-14:55
    tektoncd/cli#1318 | [Nikhil Thomas] Fix Typos | 2021/03/11-09:32
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump triggers and pipeline to latest releases 🥍 | 2021/03/11-12:55
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] master -> main in | 2021/03/11-14:31
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix release script | 2021/03/11-17:00
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] correct path in | 2021/03/11-17:28
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] increase golint timeout | 2021/03/12-05:45
  • v0.16.0
    093ed34b · New version v0.16.0 ·
    New version v0.16.0
    tektoncd/cli#1274 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README to 0.15.0 | 2020/12/17-12:06
    tektoncd/cli#1271 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use python3 binary instead of python or we won't find it | 2020/12/17-12:34
    tektoncd/cli#1149 | [Veeresh Aradhya] Fixing clustertask e2e tests | 2020/12/19-07:32
    tektoncd/cli#1149 | [Veeresh Aradhya] Addressing review comments | 2020/12/19-07:32
    tektoncd/cli#1149 | [Veeresh Aradhya] Rebasing and updating code | 2020/12/19-07:32
    tektoncd/cli#1272 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Debian package: Do not use tkn version as a check | 2020/12/20-03:17
    tektoncd/cli#1276 | [Piyush Garg] Refactor e2e scripts and fix tests | 2020/12/21-15:00
    tektoncd/cli#1268 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Drop chmouels fork and use latest cobra upstream | 2020/12/23-08:11
    tektoncd/cli#1268 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add new completions based on new upstream completion system | 2020/12/23-08:11
    tektoncd/cli#1277 | [Daniel Helfand] fix tkn version with no kubeconfig | 2021/01/05-09:29
    null | [Dan Chao] Add support for showing logs for retried taskruns | 2021/01/14-05:19
    null | [vinamra28] Support --clustertask Option for tkn tr delete | 2021/01/15-05:43
    null | [Rupali] `tkn completion` command will bail out if something else is passed apart from expected args Modified unit test as required | 2021/01/21-17:33
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add information to the README about homebrew on linux | 2021/02/02-14:41
    null | [vinamra28] Update TaskRun Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/02/04-12:24
    null | [vinamra28] Fix eventlistener manifests as per latest triggers | 2021/02/04-12:24
    null | [vinamra28] Update Task Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/02/04-13:36
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline dep to v0.20.1 | 2021/02/05-06:04
    null | [Piyush Garg] Update trigger dep to v0.11.2 | 2021/02/08-09:06
  • v0.15.0
    14165a20 · New version v0.15.0 ·
    New version v0.15.0
    tektoncd/cli#1260 | [vinamra28] Use goreleaser task from tektoncd/catalog | 2020/11/18-09:01
    tektoncd/cli#1261 | [Pradeep Kumar] update README to v0.14.0 | 2020/11/18-12:25
    tektoncd/cli#1259 | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn condition list command | 2020/11/25-12:19
    tektoncd/cli#1257 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use debian/VERSION when building debian package | 2020/11/25-12:33
    tektoncd/cli#1254 | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn triggerbinding list command | 2020/11/25-14:13
    tektoncd/cli#1255 | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn triggertemplate list command | 2020/11/25-14:13
    tektoncd/cli#1258 | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn eventlistener list command | 2020/11/25-15:11
    tektoncd/cli#1178 | [Vincent Demeester] Basic execution plugin module 📟 | 2020/12/01-12:25
    tektoncd/cli#1242 | [Daniel Helfand] allow --prefix-name and --timeout to be overrode when using --last or --use options | 2020/12/01-12:25
    tektoncd/cli#1250 | [Sunghoon Kang] Ignore --follow flag when TaskRun or PipelineRun is done | 2020/12/02-15:28
    null | [SM43] Bumps Hub CLI Dependency | 2020/12/16-12:32
    null | [Matt Moore] Hoist an ActivityTimeout option. | 2020/12/16-18:26
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] bump pipeline and triggers dep | 2020/12/17-07:47
    null | [Daniel Helfand] remove --check shorthand and add global flags to version cmd | 2020/12/17-08:59
  • v0.14.0
    6a5d9ba0 · New version v0.14.0 ·
    New version v0.14.0
    tektoncd/cli#1215 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for 0.13.1 and fix lint task | 2020/10/21-14:41
    tektoncd/cli#1210 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: ClusterTriggerBinding | 2020/10/21-15:55
    tektoncd/cli#1209 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: Condition | 2020/10/21-17:41
    tektoncd/cli#1213 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: TriggerTemplate | 2020/10/21-19:33
    tektoncd/cli#1214 | [shuheiktgw] Fix unit test failures with go 1.15 | 2020/10/22-04:19
    tektoncd/cli#1203 | [Sunil Thaha] Integrate Hub commands into tkn | 2020/10/22-04:41
    tektoncd/cli#1217 | [Daniel Helfand] fix alignment of usage | 2020/10/22-18:47
    tektoncd/cli#1218 | [Daniel Helfand] document NO_COLOR and edit README headers | 2020/10/26-15:40
    tektoncd/cli#1224 | [Daniel Helfand] change --nocolour to --no-color | 2020/10/28-02:57
    tektoncd/cli#1221 | [SM43] Updates Hub Dependency | 2020/10/28-04:51
    null | [Daniel Helfand] deprecate -c shorthand for tkn version --check | 2020/11/03-15:37
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] Bump pipeline and triggers deps | 2020/11/04-20:12
    null | [Daniel Helfand] do not delete clustertask taskruns with --task flag | 2020/11/04-20:59
    null | [Piyush Garg] Fix APIversion not shown on describe commands | 2020/11/05-10:54
    null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn triggerbinding list command | 2020/11/06-12:25
    null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn eventlistener list command | 2020/11/06-16:04
    null | [vinamra28] Add --all-namespaces flag to TriggerTemplate List subcommand | 2020/11/06-19:39
    null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Make sure we target LTS for ubuntus | 2020/11/06-21:12
    null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn condition list command | 2020/11/09-14:14
    null | [Daniel Helfand] remove EventListener log output assertion from e2e tests | 2020/11/11-16:52
    null | [Pradeep Kumar] bump pipleine dependency to v0.18.0 | 2020/11/12-11:28
    null | [dullest] fix function name typo | 2020/11/12-15:17
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Makefile: remove darwin/386 from cross target 🌮 | 2020/11/13-15:58
    null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertask list command | 2020/11/16-09:50
    null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertriggerbinding list command | 2020/11/16-10:24
  • v0.13.1
    b2ac898e · New version v0.13.1 ·
    New version v0.13.1
    tektoncd/cli#1194 | [Daniel Helfand] update README to v0.13.0 | 2020/09/30-22:18
    tektoncd/cli#1196 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update OSX instruction to install from brew 🍻 | 2020/10/02-11:36
    tektoncd/cli#1197 | [Daniel Helfand] reorganize release process docs and add details | 2020/10/07-07:26
    tektoncd/cli#1192 | [Daniel Helfand] add eventlistener logs command | 2020/10/07-08:00
    tektoncd/cli#1198 | [Matt Moore] Bump Knative/K8s dependencies | 2020/10/08-00:34
    tektoncd/cli#1201 | [Daniel Helfand] avoid use of previous TaskRunSpecStatus and PipelineRunSpecStatus | 2020/10/13-17:32
    tektoncd/cli#1205 | [Daniel Helfand] remove assertions to help with debugging eventlistener e2e failures | 2020/10/20-07:27
    tektoncd/cli#1207 | [Piyush Garg] tkn pr describe failing in pr with conditions | 2020/10/20-08:57
    tektoncd/cli#1189 | [Daniel Helfand] refactor pipelinerun and taskrun cancel err based on condition status | 2020/10/20-09:15
    tektoncd/cli#1189 | [Daniel Helfand] add pipelinerun and taskrun cancel e2e tests | 2020/10/20-09:15
    null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: EventListener | 2020/10/21-07:21
    null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: TriggerBinding | 2020/10/21-08:00
  • v0.13.0
    ef857a5b · New version v0.13.0 ·
    New version v0.13.0
    tektoncd/cli#1167 | [Daniel Helfand] update condition tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/16-11:10
    tektoncd/cli#1154 | [vinamra28] Enable auto-select support in ClusterTaskDescribe if only one is present | 2020/09/16-17:00
    tektoncd/cli#1154 | [vinamra28] Enable auto-select support in TaskRunDescribe if only one is present | 2020/09/16-17:00
    tektoncd/cli#1173 | [Daniel Helfand] update README versions for v0.12.1 | 2020/09/16-17:21
    tektoncd/cli#1176 | [Bart] Artwork/Logo added to the top of the README. | 2020/09/16-18:14
    tektoncd/cli#1172 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix rpm build for release | 2020/09/17-14:34
    tektoncd/cli#1168 | [Daniel Helfand] update clustertask tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/18-13:26
    tektoncd/cli#1177 | [Vincent Demeester] tests: import pipeline internal builders 🏒 | 2020/09/18-17:31
    tektoncd/cli#1179 | [vinamra28] Use --prefix-name option for tkn clustertask start | 2020/09/18-23:07
    tektoncd/cli#1182 | [Daniel Helfand] update pipelineresource tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/21-14:29
    null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove release-note block indentation in PR template 🌮 | 2020/09/22-11:57
    null | [savitaashture] Modify tkn version to accept ldflag and namespace flag | 2020/09/24-10:14
    null | [savitaashture] Fix deployment fetch issue for multiple namespaces | 2020/09/25-11:54
    null | [PuneetPunamiya] This patch fixes: | 2020/09/28-19:27
    null | [Divyansh42] Modify tkn version output to hide Triggers and Dashboard version if they are not installed and added required unit tests. | 2020/09/29-04:57
    null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline and triggers dep | 2020/09/29-13:55
    null | [Divyansh42] Enable auto-select support in pipelineDescribe if only one pipeline is present | 2020/09/29-17:29
    null | [vinamra28] Add --use-taskrun for ClusterTask start | 2020/09/30-11:08
    null | [Divyansh42] Enable auto select support in PipelineRunDescribe if only one PipelineRun is present | 2020/09/30-13:13
  • v0.12.1
    793513d3 · New version v0.12.1 ·
    New version v0.12.1
    tektoncd/cli#1147 | [Daniel Helfand] update README for v0.12.0 | 2020/08/28-08:24
    tektoncd/cli#1148 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] No need for auto-dection magic to detect triggers/pipeline releases | 2020/09/02-05:41
    tektoncd/cli#1138 | [rudeigerc] Show the version of dashboard | 2020/09/02-09:17
    tektoncd/cli#1152 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable colouring when the user set the variable NO_COLOR | 2020/09/07-04:51
    tektoncd/cli#1089 | [PuneetPunamiya] Adds support for EventListener URL with List and Describe command | 2020/09/09-17:38
    tektoncd/cli#1161 | [Daniel Helfand] fix golangci-lint 1.31 gocritic issues | 2020/09/14-08:27
    tektoncd/cli#1159 | [Daniel Helfand] do not sort taskruns or pipelineruns if keep=0 | 2020/09/14-09:17
    tektoncd/cli#1158 | [Piyush Garg] Fix slowness in executing tkn commands | 2020/09/15-09:23