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New version v0.14.0

tektoncd/cli#1215 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for 0.13.1 and fix lint task | 2020/10/21-14:41
tektoncd/cli#1210 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: ClusterTriggerBinding | 2020/10/21-15:55
tektoncd/cli#1209 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: Condition | 2020/10/21-17:41
tektoncd/cli#1213 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: TriggerTemplate | 2020/10/21-19:33
tektoncd/cli#1214 | [shuheiktgw] Fix unit test failures with go 1.15 | 2020/10/22-04:19
tektoncd/cli#1203 | [Sunil Thaha] Integrate Hub commands into tkn | 2020/10/22-04:41
tektoncd/cli#1217 | [Daniel Helfand] fix alignment of usage | 2020/10/22-18:47
tektoncd/cli#1218 | [Daniel Helfand] document NO_COLOR and edit README headers | 2020/10/26-15:40
tektoncd/cli#1224 | [Daniel Helfand] change --nocolour to --no-color | 2020/10/28-02:57
tektoncd/cli#1221 | [SM43] Updates Hub Dependency | 2020/10/28-04:51
null | [Daniel Helfand] deprecate -c shorthand for tkn version --check | 2020/11/03-15:37
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Bump pipeline and triggers deps | 2020/11/04-20:12
null | [Daniel Helfand] do not delete clustertask taskruns with --task flag | 2020/11/04-20:59
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix APIversion not shown on describe commands | 2020/11/05-10:54
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn triggerbinding list command | 2020/11/06-12:25
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn eventlistener list command | 2020/11/06-16:04
null | [vinamra28] Add --all-namespaces flag to TriggerTemplate List subcommand | 2020/11/06-19:39
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Make sure we target LTS for ubuntus | 2020/11/06-21:12
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn condition list command | 2020/11/09-14:14
null | [Daniel Helfand] remove EventListener log output assertion from e2e tests | 2020/11/11-16:52
null | [Pradeep Kumar] bump pipleine dependency to v0.18.0 | 2020/11/12-11:28
null | [dullest] fix function name typo | 2020/11/12-15:17
null | [Vincent Demeester] Makefile: remove darwin/386 from cross target 🌮 | 2020/11/13-15:58
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertask list command | 2020/11/16-09:50
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertriggerbinding list command | 2020/11/16-10:24