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New version v0.24.0

tektoncd/cli#1544 | [Pradeep Kumar] update version in readme to v0.23.1 | 2022/03/25-15:26
tektoncd/cli#1545 | [Piyush Garg] Bump choco spec to v0.23.1 | 2022/03/25-17:50
tektoncd/cli#1535 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add available plugins to the root help | 2022/03/29-13:26
null | [Vincent Demeester] Update | 2022/03/30-16:15
tektoncd/cli#1533 | [divyansh42] Support --keep and --keep-since together in tr delete | 2022/04/05-16:44
tektoncd/cli#1533 | [divyansh42] Support --keep and --keep-since together in pr delete | 2022/04/05-16:44
tektoncd/cli#1556 | [vinamra28] Use stable pipelines release instead of nightly | 2022/04/12-14:12
tektoncd/cli#1554 | [vinamra28] Cancel PipelineRuns using Cancelled status | 2022/04/12-15:16
tektoncd/cli#1555 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump docker/docker and docker/cli dependencies | 2022/04/13-07:49
tektoncd/cli#1555 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump containerd/containerd | 2022/04/13-07:49
null | [pratap0007] Fixes pipelinerun and taskrun deletion with keep flag | 2022/04/15-06:49
null | [Piyush Garg] Add vinamra28 as owner | 2022/04/28-12:47
null | [vinamra28] Fix Pipeline integration tests | 2022/05/10-13:41
null | [Zhu Sheng Li] fix: set created time for bundle image | 2022/05/11-03:49
null | [vinamra28] Revert skipping of failed test | 2022/05/16-07:26
null | [Pradeep Kumar] dep bumps | 2022/06/01-17:24
null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix go test | 2022/06/01-17:24
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add dependabot to the repository | 2022/06/02-11:25
null | [Shubham] Set go mod compat to 1.17 | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] Bump chains to v0.9.0 in go.mod, go.sum | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] ./hack/ | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] Fix chains impl per 0.9.0 update | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] Replace xerrors.Errorf with fmt.Errorf | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] go mod tidy -go=1.16 && go mod tidy -go=1.17 | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] Get rid of antlr | 2022/06/03-15:45
null | [Shubham] Improve `tkn chain` log format | 2022/06/06-06:58
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix --ignore-running not working with -p/-t in delete cmd | 2022/06/06-08:19
null | [Shubham] Ignore zap logger sync error | 2022/06/06-08:19
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add label dependabot PRs ok-to-test… | 2022/06/06-09:03
null | [Pradeep Kumar] update release script compatible with go 1.17 | 2022/06/06-14:46
null | [Shubham] Fix `tkn chains signature/payload` by version bump | 2022/06/07-06:11
null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix unit-test in release pipeline | 2022/06/07-08:24
null | [Pradeep Kumar] increase storage to 1Gi | 2022/06/07-10:46