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New version v0.13.0

tektoncd/cli#1167 | [Daniel Helfand] update condition tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/16-11:10
tektoncd/cli#1154 | [vinamra28] Enable auto-select support in ClusterTaskDescribe if only one is present | 2020/09/16-17:00
tektoncd/cli#1154 | [vinamra28] Enable auto-select support in TaskRunDescribe if only one is present | 2020/09/16-17:00
tektoncd/cli#1173 | [Daniel Helfand] update README versions for v0.12.1 | 2020/09/16-17:21
tektoncd/cli#1176 | [Bart] Artwork/Logo added to the top of the README. | 2020/09/16-18:14
tektoncd/cli#1172 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix rpm build for release | 2020/09/17-14:34
tektoncd/cli#1168 | [Daniel Helfand] update clustertask tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/18-13:26
tektoncd/cli#1177 | [Vincent Demeester] tests: import pipeline internal builders 🏒 | 2020/09/18-17:31
tektoncd/cli#1179 | [vinamra28] Use --prefix-name option for tkn clustertask start | 2020/09/18-23:07
tektoncd/cli#1182 | [Daniel Helfand] update pipelineresource tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/21-14:29
null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove release-note block indentation in PR template 🌮 | 2020/09/22-11:57
null | [savitaashture] Modify tkn version to accept ldflag and namespace flag | 2020/09/24-10:14
null | [savitaashture] Fix deployment fetch issue for multiple namespaces | 2020/09/25-11:54
null | [PuneetPunamiya] This patch fixes: | 2020/09/28-19:27
null | [Divyansh42] Modify tkn version output to hide Triggers and Dashboard version if they are not installed and added required unit tests. | 2020/09/29-04:57
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline and triggers dep | 2020/09/29-13:55
null | [Divyansh42] Enable auto-select support in pipelineDescribe if only one pipeline is present | 2020/09/29-17:29
null | [vinamra28] Add --use-taskrun for ClusterTask start | 2020/09/30-11:08
null | [Divyansh42] Enable auto select support in PipelineRunDescribe if only one PipelineRun is present | 2020/09/30-13:13