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New version v0.16.0

tektoncd/cli#1274 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README to 0.15.0 | 2020/12/17-12:06
tektoncd/cli#1271 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use python3 binary instead of python or we won't find it | 2020/12/17-12:34
tektoncd/cli#1149 | [Veeresh Aradhya] Fixing clustertask e2e tests | 2020/12/19-07:32
tektoncd/cli#1149 | [Veeresh Aradhya] Addressing review comments | 2020/12/19-07:32
tektoncd/cli#1149 | [Veeresh Aradhya] Rebasing and updating code | 2020/12/19-07:32
tektoncd/cli#1272 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Debian package: Do not use tkn version as a check | 2020/12/20-03:17
tektoncd/cli#1276 | [Piyush Garg] Refactor e2e scripts and fix tests | 2020/12/21-15:00
tektoncd/cli#1268 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Drop chmouels fork and use latest cobra upstream | 2020/12/23-08:11
tektoncd/cli#1268 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add new completions based on new upstream completion system | 2020/12/23-08:11
tektoncd/cli#1277 | [Daniel Helfand] fix tkn version with no kubeconfig | 2021/01/05-09:29
null | [Dan Chao] Add support for showing logs for retried taskruns | 2021/01/14-05:19
null | [vinamra28] Support --clustertask Option for tkn tr delete | 2021/01/15-05:43
null | [Rupali] `tkn completion` command will bail out if something else is passed apart from expected args Modified unit test as required | 2021/01/21-17:33
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add information to the README about homebrew on linux | 2021/02/02-14:41
null | [vinamra28] Update TaskRun Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/02/04-12:24
null | [vinamra28] Fix eventlistener manifests as per latest triggers | 2021/02/04-12:24
null | [vinamra28] Update Task Tests from Test Builders to Structs | 2021/02/04-13:36
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline dep to v0.20.1 | 2021/02/05-06:04
null | [Piyush Garg] Update trigger dep to v0.11.2 | 2021/02/08-09:06