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New version v0.12.1

tektoncd/cli#1147 | [Daniel Helfand] update README for v0.12.0 | 2020/08/28-08:24
tektoncd/cli#1148 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] No need for auto-dection magic to detect triggers/pipeline releases | 2020/09/02-05:41
tektoncd/cli#1138 | [rudeigerc] Show the version of dashboard | 2020/09/02-09:17
tektoncd/cli#1152 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable colouring when the user set the variable NO_COLOR | 2020/09/07-04:51
tektoncd/cli#1089 | [PuneetPunamiya] Adds support for EventListener URL with List and Describe command | 2020/09/09-17:38
tektoncd/cli#1161 | [Daniel Helfand] fix golangci-lint 1.31 gocritic issues | 2020/09/14-08:27
tektoncd/cli#1159 | [Daniel Helfand] do not sort taskruns or pipelineruns if keep=0 | 2020/09/14-09:17
tektoncd/cli#1158 | [Piyush Garg] Fix slowness in executing tkn commands | 2020/09/15-09:23