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Release v1.2-beta1

# New features

- Add navigation bar color to themes
- Add support for importing from TOTP Authenticator
- Add support for importing from Microsoft Authenticator
- Add support for importing from Authenticator Plus
- Add support for importing a plain text Google Authenticator URI file
- Add support for importing from the new Google Authenticator export QR codes
- Add support for otpauth://steam URI's
- Improve method to notify users on copy
- Add support for backups
- Improve multiselect flow
- Automatically adapt to system theme
- Add setting to change from 3 digit group size to 2 digit group size
- Use most frequent period to show progress
- Append a timestamp to the filename of exported vaults
- Add Hungarian translation
- Display a warning if automatic time sync is not enabled
- Minor card entry layout overhaul

# Fixed bugs

- Improve overall exception handling and error feedback to the user
- Protect writes of the vault file against corruption with AtomicFile
- Make the parsing logic of the QR code URI more robust
- Importing from Authy now asks for password if needed
- Update Russian localization
- Increase password reminder period to 30 days